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Missouri State Humane Association

Support Spay/Neuter Programs in Missouri
with an “I’m Pet Friendly” License Plate!
The “I’m Pet Friendly” license plate tells others that you love animals, and helps to end pet overpopulation by raising funds for spay and neuter programs in Missouri.
At least $20 of every $25 paid for a Pet Friendly plate is deposited into a fund to support low cost spay and neuter programs throughout the state.
The Missouri State Humane Association (MoSHA) was established to administer the “I’m Pet Friendly” license plate program.

Make a tax-deductible donation today!
To make a donation without requesting or renewing license plates, please click here:

MoSHA - Missouri State Humane Association
PO Box 21626
St. Louis, MO 63109-0626
The Missouri State Humane Association is an independent, all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization, not affiliated with or funded by any animal shelter or government agency.

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